Frequently Asked Questions

This collection will show you some frequently asked questions about the arm

Google my business is not connecting in the integration

Can i sync my products in WooCommerce into my CRM

Can WhatsApp be integrated into the CRM

What should I do if there's no choice for selecting Sole Trader

Can I add multiple location in Google my business

What's the difference between one way, two way and smart sync

I added new contacts in shopify but it hasnt appeared to my crm

Despite having successfully synced my Outlook, I am still not receiving emails in my CRM.

Why am I unable to save or add a second email for one of my clients in the system? The system keeps indicating that this action is not allowed

Is it possible for both my client and me to make simultaneous calls using SS? We have separate logins but share the same phone number.

What might be causing the system to operate slowly? It's noticeable that every click is taking a minimum of 30 seconds to load

When setting up a simple calendar, how do you link it with zoom

I Can't download the App

The drag and drop email marketing email creation tool is not working

still receiving SMS messages from my old Twilio number despite having acquired a new one.

What is the purpose and function of CNAME

Can I use two domains

Is it possible to run two different businesses through CRM at the same time

Despite having successfully synced my Gmail, I am still not receiving emails in my CRM.

Is it possible to disable the announcement that customers hear before a call connects.

Is it possible to connect the system to Xero

Is it possible to change reading number area code

Can iCal be integrated into the CRM

Why are my Calls marked as Spam, and how can I avoid it

Where can I see how many message credits I've used / how many remain for the month?

For the social media module, what size should images ideally be?

I only seem to be able to view 4 products in the list when I go to create an invoice

Company name isn't be updated

Is there a faster way to upload multiple videos for my course?

Is it possible to manage multiple businesses within a single CRM account

I Received Message labeled "GMB Message"

When I import my data, will the system create the tags

Import button cant be found

Can i restrict the number of purchases for an upsell?

Why some people been receiving my emails from AX in their junk box lately

Dealing with the 9 dots issue / Loading Screen

How to make changes on website for desktop and mobile version