Detailed Call Report & Analytics

View detailed call reports to track your communication efforts. Analyze call metrics, monitor performance, and gain insights to improve your outreach strategy and enhance client engagement.

1. To start, click on "Operations".

1 To kick off, click on "Operations".

2. Once that's done, click on "Phone Stats".

2 Once that's done, click on "Phone Stats".

3. Click this calendar to filter call reports by date.

3 After that, click on the element.

4. Listed here are the numbers in your business.

4 After, click here.

5. After, click on "Filters".

5 After, click on "Filters".

6. You can configure these filters for your desired call report generation.

6 Click here.

7. There are two types of call available in this report; Incoming and Outgoing calls.

7 Click on "Call by status".

8. Both call types; the incoming and outgoing calls has the same report that you can generate.

8 Upload

9. You can see here the total for Call by Status

9 Upload

10. As well as "First-time calls by status".

10 Click on "First-time calls by status".

11. Top call sources

11 Click on "Top call sources".

12. and the detailed incoming and outgoing reports for all calls within the account.

12 Click on "All calls".

13. if you want to more details in your report, you can add columns here.

13 Click on "All calls".

14. Click this icon to export call report.

14 Click on the element.
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