Appointment List Overview

The Appointment List provides a comprehensive view of all your scheduled meetings and engagements. This feature helps you efficiently manage your time, ensuring you never miss an important appointment. Easily accessible, the list allows for quick updates and modifications, keeping your calendar up-to-date and organized.

1. Begin by clicking 'Calendars' Tab.

1 Click here.

2. Now, select 'Appointments' from the list.

2 Click on "Appointments".

3. This is your appointment list.

3 Click here.

4. You can filter appointments for all the calendars in this section.

4 Click on the element.

5. Filter appointments by their status.

5 Click on "Calendars".

6. Filter appointments by date added, start date and start date ascending from today.

6 Then, click on "Calendars".

7. To add a manual appointment, click this button.

7 Following that, click on "New Appointment".

8. Fill in appointment details and click on 'Book Appointment' button.

8 Click here.

9. This column displays the individual who scheduled the appointment with you or your team.

9 Next up, click on "Name".

10. This column enables you to adjust the status of your appointments or cancel them.  Below are the available actions for your appointments: Confirmed Showed No Show Cancelled * Invalid

10 Click on "Currently viewing in GMT -05:00 America/Chicago".

11. Appointment Title

11 After, click on "Title".

12. The requested date and time for the appointment can be found in this column.

12 Click on "Requested Time".

13. The creation date on your calendar for the appointment is visible in this column.

13 Click on "Date Added".

14. You can view the calendar that was utilized to schedule the appointment in this column.

14 After that, click on "Calendar".

15. This column shows who's calendar has been booked for the appointment.

15 Click on "Appointment Owner".

16. Click this 3 dots to view options.

16 After that, click on the element.

17. These are the options when you click on the 3 dots.

17 After that, click on "CHARLIE BROWN".
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