Understanding Opportunity Statuses: Won, Lost, and Abandoned

Opportunity statuses are crucial metrics in determining the health and progress of sales and business development efforts. "Won" signifies successful closure and achievement of the business goal, "Lost" indicates unsuccessful attempts where efforts didn't yield the desired result, and "Abandoned" represents opportunities that were halted or deprioritized before reaching a definitive outcome.

1. Start by navigating 'Deals' section to access 'Opportunities'.

1 Click on the element.

2. Next, choose the desired opportunity card to change the status.

2 Afterwards, click on the element.

3. Drag and drop opportunity card to 'Lost' Status.

3 Next up, click here.

4. Select a reason from the drop down list why this contact is 'Lost'.

4 Then, click here.

5. Then, confirm your action by clicking 'Confirm.'

5 Next up, click on "Confirm".

6. To check if the status was changed, click this icon to view the conversation.

6 Click here.

7. Status changed to 'Lost' is successful!

7 Once that's done, click here.

8. Repeat the process for the other statuses. Go to 'Deals' to access 'Opportunities'.

8 Next, click here.

9. Drag and drop opportunity card to 'Abandoned' Status.

9 Upload

10. View status by clicking this conversation icon.

10 Click here.

11. This lead's status is now 'Abandoned'.

11 Click here.

12. Repeat the process for the other status. Go to 'Deals' to access 'Opportunities'.

12 Upload

13. Drag and drop opportunity card to 'Won' Status.

13 Upload

14. To view the status of this contact, click this icon to open conversation.

14 Next, click on the element.

15. This contact has 'Won' status.

15 Following that, click here.
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