Managing Sales Pipelines: How to Create and Delete Pipelines Efficiently

Learn to create and delete sales pipelines using Surplus Systems' CRM. This guide helps you set up new pipelines with defined stages and criteria and efficiently remove outdated ones, ensuring a well-organized sales process and improved performance.

1. To access Pipelines, navigate to 'Deals'.

1 Firstly, click on the element.

2. Next, select the 'Pipelines' option.

2 Click on "Pipelines".

3. Select a pipeline you want to edit from the list.

3 Click on the element.

4. Click the pencil icon to begin editing.

4 Click here.

5. Re-arrange these fields by clicking the arrows on the side.

5 Click on "Edit pipeline".

6. Configure these actions according to your preference.

6 Afterwards, click on "Edit pipeline".

7. Click on "Save" once editing is done.

7 Click on "Save".

8. To remove a pipeline, click the trash icon.

8 Click here.

9. Confirm the deletion by agreeing to the prompt.

9 Click on "This will delete all opportunities inside the pipeline. Do y...".
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