How to Upload an Email Template to Template Library in Surplus Systems

Follow this guide to easily upload an email template to the Surplus Systems Library, ensuring quick access and better email campaign management.

1. Start by selecting Templates tab.

1 Click on the element.

2. Next, access the Templates area under Emails section.

2 Click on "Templates".

3. Then, click on this 3 dots to access options.

3 Afterwards, click here.

4. Choose the 'Upload to email templates' option.

4 Now, click on "Upload to email templates".

5. Enter a name for your template.

5 Afterwards, click on the element.

6. Proceed to select a category for your template.

6 Afterwards, click on "Creative".

7. Now, move to upload your template.

7 Then, click on "Upload".

8. Upload cover image for your template.

8 Upload

9. Assign relevant tags to your template.

9 Click on "Tags".

10. Define essential prerequisites for the template.

10 Next, click on the element.

11. Add a short description for your template.

11 Click on "Pre-requisites for this Template".

12. Include additional information about your template.

12 After that, click on "About this Template".

13. Finish by publishing your template

13 Next up, click on "Short Description".

14. Finalized by clicking confirm.

14 Once that's done, click on "Confirm".

15. This is the template library. You can see and choose different kinds of templates here.

15 After, click here.

16. Go to My Templates to check your uploaded template.

16 Then, click on "All templates".

17. You successfully uploaded your email template!

17 Afterwards, click on "Edit".

18. You can search your template as well by category.

18 Click on "Automotive".

19. You can see your uploaded template under this category.

19 Next, click on "Email Template 2".
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