Importing Email Templates from ActiveCampaign to Surplus Systems CRM

Enhance your email marketing strategy by importing email templates from ActiveCampaign into Surplus Systems CRM. This comprehensive guide walks you through the steps to transfer your templates seamlessly, ensuring continuity in your email design and branding, and enabling you to leverage Surplus Systems' powerful CRM capabilities

1. Start by clicking 'Templates' from the main menu.

1 To start off, click here.

2. Next, select 'Templates' from the options available.

2 Following that, click on "Templates".

3. Now, choose 'New' to create something fresh.

3 Click on "New".

4. Then, go for 'Import Email' to bring in existing data.

4 Now, click on "Import Email".

5. Following, click 'Active Campaign' to switch services.

5 Next, click on "Active Campaign".

6. Subsequently, enter your URL details in the provided field.

6 Then, click here.

7. Finally, confirm your actions by clicking 'Create Template'.

7 Next, click on "Create Template".
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