Importing Email Templates from Mailchimp to Surplus Systems CRM

Streamline your email marketing by importing email templates from Mailchimp into Surplus Systems CRM. This guide provides a step-by-step process to transfer your designed templates, ensuring a smooth transition and allowing you to maintain consistent branding and messaging across platforms.

1. Start by selecting 'Templates' option.

1 Click on the element.

2. Then, navigate to 'Templates' from the main menu.

2 Click on "Templates".

3. Next, click 'New' to create a new template.

3 Following that, click on "New".

4. Following this, choose 'Import Email' from the options.

4 Click on "Import Email".

5. Choose 'Mailchimp' from the drop down list

5 Click on "URL".

6. Now, enter the template URL in the highlighted field.

6 Click here.

7. Hit 'Create Template' button once done!

7 Click on "Create Template".
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