Navigating Your Surplus Systems Inbox: An Overview

Master the functionalities of the Surplus Systems CRM Inbox with this comprehensive overview. Learn how to manage and organize your communications, track interactions, and streamline follow-ups. This article helps you understand the Inbox features, ensuring you stay on top of your customer relationships and communications.

1. Now, click on Chat.

1 Now, click on the element.

2. Chat section has 3 parts: List of messages coming in.

2 After that, click on "Unread".

3. Second is the Conversation Section

3 Upload

4. Lastly, Contact details Section

4 Upload

5. Under Message list Section, you can see the 'Unread' Section

5 After that, click on "Latest-All".

6. Next is 'Recent' section

6 Click on "Latest-All".

7. Next is 'Starred' or Favorites

7 Click on "Latest-All".

8. Lastly, 'All' Message section

8 Then, click on the element.

9. Click the tick box beside the contact name to show other actions

9 Click here.

10. Once that's done, click on "Actions".

10 Once that's done, click on "Actions".

11. These are the list of actions you can do to your messages

11 After, click here.

12. Then, click here to search conversation for a specific contact.

12 Then, click here.

13. Afterwards, click filters.

13 Upload

14. These are the available filters to use in your messages.

14 Click on "My Chat".

15. Now, click this icon to create a message.

15 Now, click on the element.

16. Select a contact from the drop down list and hit 'Continue'

16 Now, click here.

17. Moving to the Second Section, you can see here the contact name.

17 Once that's done, click here.

18. This is Archive icon, if you want to archive this conversation.

18 Upload

19. Next up, mark conversation as Starred/Unstarred

19 Next up, click on the element.

20. Next, mark conversation as Read/Unread

20 Click here.

21. Click here to delete conversation

21 Click here.

22. Click here for more filters

22 Click here.

23. These are the available filters in this section.

23 Click on the element.

24. This is the conversation section.

24 Next, click on "May 2nd, 2024".

25. These are the options for SMS message

25 Upload

26. Attach files; Upload from System OR Choose from Media Library

26 Once that's done, click on the element.

27. Insert Emoji

27 Following that, click on the element.

28. Insert Message Templates (Snippets)

28 Click on the element.

29. Request a payment and fill out payment details before sending the invoice to the customer.

29 Click here.

30. Click '+' for more Custom Value options.

30 Click on the element.

31. Schedule sending the SMS, pick desired date and time to send your message.

31 After, click on the element.

32. For Emails, these are the available options.

32 Click on "Email".

33. Formatting Options

33 Click here.

34. Attach a file; Upload from System OR Choose from Media Library

34 Click on the element.

35. Add Website Link or Trigger Link

35 Click on the element.

36. Next up, add image.

36 Next up, click here.

37. Insert Message Templates (Snippets)

37 Next, click on the element.

38. Still, you can request a payment here. All you have to do is fill out payment details before sending the invoice to the customer.

38 Click on the element.

39. Next is click '+' for more Custom Value options

39 After that, click here.

40. Third Section is Contact Details

40 After that, click on "CS".

41. Tags can be found here or you may add Tags here as well.

41 Click on "Tags".

42. Active automation section

42 Once that's done, click on "Active Automations".

43. Next up, DND options

43 Next up, click on "DND".
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