Surplus Systems CRM: A Comprehensive Overview

Get acquainted with Surplus Systems CRM through this detailed overview. Learn about its key features, functionalities, and benefits designed to streamline your marketing, sales, and customer management processes. This article provides an in-depth look at how Surplus Systems can empower your business to achieve greater efficiency and success.

1. To begin the Surplus Systems Overview, click Start Here.

1 Click here.

2. You may login your email here to access the onboarding videos and click on Login to Onboarding button.

2 Afterwards, click on "OnboardingSurplus Systems".

3. After, click on "Training Videos".

3 After, click on "Training Videos".

4. You can check helpful articles in this area if you want to view a step by step process of the specific action or matter.


5. Next, click on Contract Training

5 Click on the element.

6. You can check training help articles regarding Contracts Training.

6 Upload

7. Then, click on "Home".

7 Then, click on "Home".

8. You have so much to see within Dashboard!

8 Click on the element.

9. Click on the Power Dialer.

9 Click on the element.

10. Here are your list of contacts that you can reach out using the dialer.

10 Once that's done, click on "Manual Actions".

11. Next, click on Chat Menu

11 Upload

12. This is your inbox. All emails and SMS will be registered here.

12 Afterwards, click here.

13. Within chat menu, you can access as well your message templates for a quick response to your customer.

13 Afterwards, click on "Message Templates (Snippets) 22 templates".

14. After that, click on the CRM.

14 After that, click on the element.

15. This is your contact list

15 Click on "Columns".

16. Under CRM, you can also access Bulk Actions

16 Click on "Bulk Actions".

17. These are your bulk action processes in your account.

17 Click on "All Actions".

18. After CRM, click Deals.

18 After, click here.

19. You can see your leads listed here.

19 After, click on "CALL CENTER".

20. Pipelines can be found here as well.

20 Following that, click on "CALL CENTER".

21. Next, click Tasks

21 Click here.

22. This is where your "Task List" is located.

22 Following that, click on "Task List".

23. Click on "Contracts".

23 Click on "Contracts".

24. Contracts is basically a payment tab wherein you process payments, subscription, orders, products, etc.

24 Click on "Invoices".

25. Click here for templates.

25 Click here.

26. You can add email templates, email snippets, trigger links and so on.

26 Following that, click on "Marketing".

27. Following that, click on Automation.

27 Following that, click on the element.

28. In this area, you can see your "Workflow List".

28 Now, click on "Workflow List".

29. Other than Workflow is Content AI.

29 Then, click on "Content Ai".

30. Content AI Settings

30 Afterwards, click on "Content AI".

31. Then, click on Websites.

31 Then, click on the element.

32. Websites menu consists of funnels. websites, blogs, forms, Surveys, etc.

32 Then, click on "Funnels".

33. After Websites, click Usage Fees.

33 After, click here.

34. Check Usage fee details here!

34 Click on "CRM USAGE FEE".

35. Click on "Surplus Tools".

35 Click on "Surplus Tools".

36. You can use these free tools in Surplus Systems.

36 After that, click on "FREE TOOLS".

37. Next, click on Earn 20% Menu.

37 Next, click on the element.

38. You can leave us a review here and earn 20%.

38 Afterwards, click on the element.

39. Click on "Error Codes".

39 Click on "Error Codes".

40. These are the list of error codes that you can check whenever you encounter one.

40 Then, click on "VA Course".

41. Next, click VA Course

41 Upload

42. Register your VA to get free VA Courses.

42 Once that's done, click on "FREE VA COURSE".

43. Next, click here to access support menu

43 Next, click here.

44. You can always check an available help article that will guide you with the process.

44 Click on the element.

45. Or you can reach out live support for a quicker resolution

45 Following that, click on the element.

46. Next, click on the Trained VA Menu

46 Next, click on the element.

47. We'll help you find and train VA's to do the work for you!

47 Click on "🔥 Ambitious Surplus Funds Recovery Agents! 🔥Attention:".

48. Just fill out this form and proceed to Step 2 to continue the process.

48 Click here.

49. Next is Calendars

49 Click on the element.

50. You can set appointments, plot schedules and configure Calendar settings and so on!

50 After, click on "May 13 – 19, 2024".

51. After Calendars, click on Team Hub menu.

51 After, click on the element.

52. You can access Courses, Communities and Certificates here.

52 After, click on "Memberships".

53. After that, click KPI Menu

53 After that, click on the element.

54. This is where you can view your online and social media reports!

54 Click on "Google Ads".

55. Next, Mobile App Menu

55 Next, click here.

56. Download connected applications with Surplus Systems

56 Click on "Mobile app".

57. Utilize Search Bar here

57 Now, click here.

58. Search specific menu over here!

58 Click on the element.

59. Click here to open Phone Dialer

59 Click on the element.

60. Dial Phone number here and quickly do the call!

60 Click on "Mobile app".

61. Afterwards, click on Notification Icon

61 Afterwards, click on the element.

62. List of Notifications can be viewed here!

62 Afterwards, click on the element.

63. Lastly, click on Profile.

63 Click on "KS".

64. See menu here for more options.

64 Click here.
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