Utilizing Custom Values in Surplus Systems CRM

Maximize your CRM's potential by effectively using custom values in Surplus Systems. This article details the process of applying custom values across your contact management and data analysis tasks, enabling a more personalized approach to your CRM strategies and enhancing user experience.

1. Let's begin, please click Settings tab

1 First up, click here.

2. Good, now navigate to 'Custom Values'.

2 After that, click on "Custom Values".

3. Now let's add a Folder, select 'Add Folder'.

3 Now, click on "Add Folder".

4. Provide a folder name then hit Create

4 Click on "Cancel".

5. Now, let's add a 'New Custom Value'.

5 Click on "New Custom Value".

6. Fill in details if you wish to add a custom value then click Create once done.

6 Once that's done, click here.

7. Moving on, select the 'Folders' tab.

7 Click on "folders".

8. Folders created can be found here!

8 Click on "Custom Values".

9. To search for a specific 'Custom Value', click the search box.

9 Click here.

10. The name section represents the label assigned to each custom value for easy identification and reference. It helps you quickly locate and use the custom value within your system or during various operations.

10 Then, click on "Name".

11. You can find out where the custom value is stored in a folder.

11 Next, click on "Folder".

12. A key is a unique identifier generated by the system for each custom value. You should reference this key whenever you need to access or utilize your custom values.

12 Following that, click on "Key".

13. The value refers to the information that you want the system to populate when you select a specific custom value. Users need to input this information based on their objectives. For example, if you have a custom value named "phone number," you would need to add the actual phone number for the system to use it.

13 Click on "Value".

14. For more options, click on the 3 dots icon.

14 Click on the icon.

15. You can select which option would you like to do with your custom value.

15 Following that, click here.

16. To do bulk action, tick the box beside the name

16 Next, click on the element.

17. Now, access 'Bulk Actions' by clicking on it.

17 Click on "Bulk Actions".

18. Select which action would you like to do with your selected custom values.

18 Click on "Name".
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