Creating Custom Values in Your Surplus Systems CRM

Learn how to enhance the functionality of your CRM by creating custom values in Surplus Systems. This guide provides easy instructions on designing and implementing custom values that fit your specific business needs, allowing for more precise data management and improved operational efficiency.

1. Navigate to 'Settings' from the main homepage.

1 Click on "Settings".

2. From the menu, select 'Custom Values'.

2 Click on "Custom Values".

3. Begin the process by clicking on 'New Custom Value'.

3 Next up, click on "New Custom Value".

4. Next, find the blank input field to enter a name.

4 After, click here.

5. Afterward, locate and click on the second input field to add a value.

5 Following that, click on the element.

6. Select a folder from the drop down list

6 After that, click on the element.

7. Finish the action by clicking the 'Create' button.

7 Once that's done, click on "Create".

8. You have successfully added custom value!

8 Now, click here.
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