Custom Fields Overview in Surplus Systems

Gain a comprehensive understanding of custom fields in Surplus Systems CRM. This overview explores the functionality and advantages of custom fields, demonstrating how to effectively utilize them to capture unique data, tailor processes, and drive more targeted interactions with your contacts.

1. Navigate to Settings

1 Click on the element.

2. Next, select 'Custom Fields'.

2 Click on "Custom Fields".

3. The search bar feature in the Custom Fields section allows you to quickly find specific custom fields without the need for scrolling through the entire list.

3 Afterwards, click here.

4. Click on 'Add Folder' to create a new one.

4 Click on "Add Folder".

5 Now, click on "New Custom Field Folder".

6. To add a field, click 'Add Field'.

6 Following that, click on "Add Field".

7 Click on "New Custom Field".

8. The Field Name column displays the labels assigned to your various custom fields, helping you easily identify them.

8 After, click here.

9. Next, click on the 'Object'.

9 Next, click on "Object".

10. In this section, you'll find the corresponding folders linked to each custom field. This allows for easy organization and identification of which folder is connected to a specific custom field.

10 Click on "Folder".

11. The Unique Key serves as an identifier when obtaining data through webhooks or incorporating custom information into communication channels like emails and text messages. It is automatically generated based on the name assigned to your custom field, ensuring seamless integration.

11 Then, click on "Unique Key".

12. The Creation On column displays the specific date and time when each custom field was initially generated.

12 After that, click on "Created On".

13. Select the displayed element.

13 Click on the element.

14. Group All Filter: This filter shows all custom fields from all groups.

14 Click on the element.

15. The checkboxes next to each custom field give you the power to perform different actions. You can select one or multiple fields depending on the action you want to take.

15 Then, click on the element.

16. Proceed by clicking on 'Bulk Actions'.

16 Next, click on "Bulk Actions".

17. Use this option to move a custom field to a different group.

17 Now, click on the element.

18. Next, select 'Folders'.

18 Click on "Folders".

19. This section displays a list of all the folders you have created for organizing your custom fields.

19 Next up, click here.

20. Go ahead, click on 'Deleted Fields'.

20 Click on "Deleted Fields".

21. You can view previously deleted custom fields. Clicking on the redirect link will take you to the audit page in your CRM, where you can review items that were deleted.

21 Following that, click on the element.
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