Crafting a Simple Calendar in Surplus Systems: Your Guide to Easy Scheduling

Get started with the basics of calendar management by creating a simple yet effective calendar in Surplus Systems. This article breaks down the process of setting up a straightforward calendar, perfect for those new to digital scheduling or looking for a minimalist approach to organize their tasks and appointments.

1. Begin by selecting Settings tab.

1 Click on the element.

2. Next, find and select the 'Calendars' option.

2 Click on "Calendars".

3. Now, click on 'Create Calendar' to start setting up a new calendar.

3 Click on "Create Calendar".

4. Choose Simple Calendar and click 'Select'.

4 Then, click on "Select".

5. You'll be prompted to name your calendar

5 After that, click here.

6. Next, you'll need to provide Custom URL

6 Next up, click on "/widget/bookings/".

7. Now, select the 'Meeting duration' for your calendar appointments.

7 After, click on "Meeting duration".

8. Set booking availability.

8 Click on "America/Chicago (UTC-05:00)".

9. Next, enter meeting location.

9 After, click on the element.

10. If you wish to preview calendar, click this button.

10 Click on "Close".

11. This is what your calendar looks like when someone books an appointment.

11 Click on "Select Date & Time".

12. Click 'Close' to Save the calendar.

12 Upload

13. You calendar has been successfully created!

13 Click here.
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