Publishing and Scheduling Blog Posts in Surplus Systems

Master the art of timely blog publication with Surplus Systems. This guide teaches you how to instantly publish your content or schedule it for a later date, ensuring your blog remains active and engaging for your audience, even when you're away. Perfect for maintaining a consistent posting schedule.

1. Navigate to Websites

1 Next, click here.

2. Then, click on "Blogs New". After this, choose the blog that you want to publish

2 Then, click on "Blogs New".

3. Click on "Continue".

3 Click on "Continue".

4. Fill out necessary details

4 Next, click on "Publish or Schedule".

5. DRAFT is the current Status

5 After, click on "Publish".

6. Change the Blog Status to Publish and select Published date

6 Click here.

7. Last Status is Schedule and Publish. Pick dates to Schedule when to Publish the Blog.

7 Afterwards, click here.
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