Optimizing Your Blog Posts for SEO on Surplus Systems

Elevate your blog's visibility and search rankings with targeted SEO strategies in Surplus Systems. This guide covers essential tips on updating your posts with SEO-friendly titles, keywords, and metadata, ensuring your content reaches its maximum potential audience.

1. Please begin by navigating to the main hub of the website.

1 Click here.

2. Next, select the option labeled 'Blogs'

2 Click on "Blogs New".

3. Click on the 3-dots icon to edit the blog.

3 After that, click here.

4. Once the dropdown is open, choose the 'Change Blog Post SEO Details' option.

4 Once that's done, click on "Change Blog Post SEO Details".

5. Update necessary details in this area.

5 Click on the element.

6. Finalize your updates by pressing the 'Update Blog Post' button.

6 Click on "Update Blog Post".

7. To finish, please return to the 'Blogs' section on the main page to see the changes.

7 After, click on "Blogs".
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