Navigating the Stats Tab for Website Insights on Surplus Systems

Gain a deeper understanding of your website’s traffic and engagement through the Stats Tab in Surplus Systems. This guide provides a succinct overview on how to access and interpret your website's statistical data, helping you make informed decisions to drive growth and optimize user experience.

1. Begin by clicking on 'Websites'

1 To get started, click on the element.

2. Afterward, proceed by clicking on the 'Websites' tab.

2 After, click on "Websites".

3. Next, navigate to the websites list and click on your desired website to view the stats

3 Next up, click on "Surplus Website v2".

4. Now, select 'Stats'.

4 Now, click on "Stats".

5. Choose dates to filter Stats

5 Then, click here.

6. Next in the sequence, click on the 'Reset' button.

6 After that, click on "Reset".

7. Click 'Delete' to confirm the Reset. Take note that this step cannot be undone.

7 Next, click here.

8. This is the Websites Steps column

8 Click here.

9. Next, you can see the Page Views column

9 Following that, click here.

10. In here, you can see Opt-In Column

10 Upload

11. Next, you can see the Sales Stats in here

11 Upload

12. Lastly, this is the Earnings/Pageview column

12 Upload
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