Optimizing Your Website Settings on Surplus Systems

Fine-tune your website's performance and user experience with Surplus Systems by exploring the key website settings. This concise guide offers insights on customizing domain settings, SEO optimization, and layout adjustments, setting the stage for a compelling digital footprint.

1. To begin, select 'Websites'

1 To get started, click on the element.

2. Locate and select the 'Websites' option.

2 Click on "Websites".

3. Navigate to websites list and select a funnel.

3 Click on "Surplus website".

4. Once there, find and click on 'Settings.'

4 Afterwards, click on "Settings".

5. This where to locate the Website Name

5 Next up, click on the element.

6. After that, add a path here

6 Afterwards, click here.

7. Provide Head Tracking Code if necessary

7 Upload

8. You may select your domain here

8 Click on "Name".

9. Provide a Favicon URL.

9 Next up, click here.

10. Next, provide a Body Tracking Code if necessary.

10 Upload

11. Choose Option for Payment Mode

11 Upload

12. Enable Optimization of Javascript

12 Upload

13. Enable Image Optimization as well

13 Upload

14. Choose option to Enable GDPR Compliant Fonts

14 Upload

15. Locate 'Save Website' button and click on it.

15 Now, click on "Delete  Website".

16. Hit 'Delete Website' button if you wish to delete one.

16 Upload

17. Type 'DELETE' to confirm deletion of Website.

17 Click on the element.
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