Managing Your Business Information in Surplus Systems

Ensure your business information is up-to-date and accurately reflected in Surplus Systems. This brief guide demonstrates how to edit, update, and maintain essential business details, enhancing the credibility and precision of your operations on the platform. Essential for maintaining an accurate business portrayal.

1. Navigate and select from the settings present in the sidebar.

1 Next up, click on the element.

2. Find and click on the section titled 'Business Information'.

2 Once that's done, click on "Business Information".

3. Input your specific type of business next.

3 Next up, click on "Business Registration Number".

4. Locate and define your industry under the 'Business Industry' section.

4 Following that, click here.

5. Choose the appropriate option for your 'Business Registration ID Type'.

5 Now, click here.

6. Fill in your 'Business Registration Number' in the designated text field.

6 After that, click here.

7. Select your areas of operation in the 'Business Regions of Operations' section.

7 Then, click on the element.

8. Click on 'Update Information' to save all the changes.

8 After that, click on "Update Information".
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