Harnessing Dashboard Analytics in Surplus Systems

Unlock the power of dashboard analytics with Surplus Systems. This article provides a concise overview of accessing, understanding, and utilizing analytics from your dashboard to drive business growth and make data-driven decisions. Ideal for users looking to elevate their analytical capabilities.

1. To start off, click Home

1 To start off, click here.

2. Then, click on "analytics".

2 Then, click on "analytics".

3. You can see here the Total Status of your Opportunities

3 Click on the element.

4. In this area, you can see the Tally of your Opportunity Value

4 After that, click here.

5. Next is the Conversion Rate

5 Click on the element.

6. You can select your desired dates to filter

6 Now, click on the element.

7. Click 'Pencil' icon to edit your dashboard

7 Next up, click here.

8. Click 'Save Changes' within your dashboard

8 Click on the element.

9. In this area, you can see the Tasks List

9 Now, click on the element.

10. Then navigate to Manual Actions Overview

10 Click on the element.

11. In here, you can see your Funnel List

11 Then, click here.

12. Next, Stage Distribution area

12 Following that, click on the element.

13. Finally, the Lead Source Report

13 Click here.
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