Navigating Dashboard Activities on Surplus Systems

Discover how to efficiently manage and monitor your dashboard activities on Surplus Systems. This guide offers insights into interpreting data, customizing views, and prioritizing tasks directly from your dashboard for improved productivity and decision-making.

1. To start, select Home

1 To get started, click here.

2. Under Manual Actions...

2 Upload

3. You can see the Total Dialed Leads under your account

3 Now, click on the element.

4. Then, maneuver to Total SMS

4 Now, click here.

5. Next, Total Pending Overview

5 Click on the element.

6. Subsequently, direct your action toward 'Go to Dialer'.

6 After, click on "Go to Dialer".

7. Next up, navigate to 'Manual Actions' to Start Dialing a Lead

7 Click on "Manual Actions".

8. Go back to Home

8 Then, click on the element.

9. List of Recent Contacts accessed from your account

9 Click on "Appointments".

10. Lastly, you can see your booked appointments in this area

10 Click on "Appointments".

11. You can directly add an appointment here. You just have to click 'Add Appointment'

11 Click here.

12. Under Appointment Tab, fill in details for you to book an appointment

12 Click on "Calendar".

13. Hit this button to 'Save' the appointment details

13 Upload

14. Under Blocked off time, fill in details to Block off time in your calendar

14 Click on "Appointment".

15. Finally, hit this button to Save Blocked off time

15 Click on "Cancel".
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