Why Is Your Account Suspended?

Your account suspension may originate from various causes, with many relating to compliance issues aligned with Lead Connector policies. Promptly addressing these concerns is essential for reactivating your account. This guide will assist in pinpointing the causes and detail the steps necessary for appealing the suspension.

Understanding Account Suspension

Upon encountering an account suspension, immediate attention is warranted. Here's what you should know:

  • Account Settings Check: Head to Settings -> Phone number in your dashboard. Look for any notifications related to Lead Connector account credentials and action any instructions.

  • Error Messages: Encountering messages such as "Failed to retrieve Phone Numbers" or "Lead Connector returned Unauthorized" indicates issues needing your prompt response.

For a deeper dive into the Messaging Policy and rectifying steps, referring to the available guidelines is recommended.

Steps for Account Reinstatement

To facilitate the process of unsuspending your account, follow the template below, ensuring all aspects are thoroughly addressed:

  1. Visual Proof of Compliance: Attach a screenshot of the initial text message that recipients receive upon opting into your communication.

  2. Data Collection Transparency: Provide the Web URL detailing your methods of data collection, aligning with consent practices.

  3. Consent Verification: Include a screenshot showcasing a consent checkbox within your form, confirming voluntary opt-in from leads.

  4. Consent Clarification: Describe the mechanism through which direct consent is obtained from end-users, underscoring the voluntary nature of communication agreement.

    Per Lead Connector Messaging Policy under Consent / Opt-in - Consent can't be bought, sold, or exchanged. Meaning it cannot be purchased through a 3rd party site or publics records.

  5. Opt-out and Error Rate Reduction Confirmation: Verify the cessation of activities leading to significant opt-out or error rates, demonstrating proactive compliance measures.

  6. Proof of Opt-in Requirement: In cases of suspension due to consent violations, be prepared to supply definitive proof of opt-in for specific numbers as requested by support.

    Proof of opt-in should include:

    • Name of the end user

    • Email Address of the end user

    • Physical Address Collected

    • Registration Date and Time

    • IP address or other method of collection

    • Complete Web URL address or details around other collection methods

    • Screenshot of Website / Registration form where customer shared their contact details/consent for said SMS communication with all possible details mentioned above

Understanding Compliance: Navigating Through Lead Connector Subaccount Suspension

Lead Connector accounts may face suspension due to activities that don't comply with established guidelines. The primary reasons for such actions include a high error rate and excessive opt-out rates from message recipients.

High Error Rate

A considerable error rate could result from various factors, including technical errors identifiable by specific error codes. These error occurrences might be isolated or numerous, contributing collectively to a significant rate.

High Opt-Out Rate

An elevated opt-out rate often signals that message recipients find the messages unwelcome or intrusive. To mitigate this, it's crucial that your audience is fully informed about the nature of the messages they're consenting to receive. Additionally, direct purchase of phone lists for message recipient consent is not permissible. Each recipient must knowingly opt-in through your platform, with clear information provided on how their data will be used.

Consent and Opt-in Requirements

Prior to dispatching the initial message, obtaining the recipient's explicit consent is mandatory. This consent needs to be explicitly documented, whether through a signed form, a digital agreement, or through a verifiable action such as a timestamp marking the completion of a consent form. Importantly, consent must be direct and cannot be transferred or acquired from third-party sources.

Clear Sender Identification

For every message sent, it's imperative that the sender (the entity that received the consent) is clearly identified. This clarity ensures recipients can immediately recognize the source of the message, fostering transparency and trust.

Inclusion of Opt-Out Options

The initial message to a recipient must include clear opt-out instructions, such as "Reply STOP to unsubscribe," or an equivalent phrase using standard opt-out keywords like STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END, and QUIT. This ensures recipients have an immediate and straightforward means to cease communications if desired.

Restrictions on Mass Messaging

Sending identical or highly similar messages across multiple phone numbers is restricted unless a valid business justification is presented. This policy aims to prevent misuse of messaging services and to encourage responsible messaging practices.

Provisioning Additional Phone Numbers

For accounts repeatedly violating these guidelines, restrictions on provisioning new phone numbers will be implemented. Should you encounter a related error message, it indicates such restrictions have been applied to your account.

Appealing the Suspension

Should you believe that the suspension has been applied in error or wish to present a case for the specialized use of your messaging practices, reaching out with a detailed explanation of your business use case is encouraged.

Ideal Messaging Metrics

Your messaging activities should aim to keep opt-out rates within a 0—0.3% range and error rates within a 0—6% range. These benchmarks indicate healthy engagement and minimal policy infringements, promoting a balanced and compliant messaging strategy.

In summary, maintaining compliance with Lead Connector messaging policies is essential for uninterrupted service. By adhering to the guidelines detailed above, you can ensure your messaging practices foster engagement while respecting recipients' preferences and privacy.

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