Creating a Pipeline to Track Deals

Dive into efficient sales management by crafting your personalized pipeline in Surplus Systems.

Intro Overview:

The foundation of a thriving sales strategy lies in a meticulously structured sales pipeline. This essential tool not only enables you to monitor the progress of your deals but also offers crucial insights into the vitality of your sales operations. Surplus Systems makes the creation and customization of your sales pipeline an effortless and intuitive process, tailored to meet the unique demands of your business. Join us as we guide you through the simple steps to configure your pipeline, paving the way for enhanced sales efficiency.

1. Click "Deals"

Begin by selecting "Deals" from your dashboard. This marks the start of your journey towards structuring your sales process.

Click 'Deals'

2. Click "Pipelines"

Navigate to the "Deals" section and click on "Pipelines." This move advances you towards tailoring your sales tracking experience.

Click 'Pipelines'

3. Click "Create new pipeline"

Select "Create new pipeline" to start crafting a pipeline that aligns with your sales cycle.

Click 'Create new pipeline'

4. Name your pipeline

Give your pipeline a descriptive name that reflects its function, ensuring your workflows remain streamlined and well-structured.

Name your pipeline

5. Name your pipeline here

In this example we named it Sales

Name your pipeline here, For example: Sales

6. Input "Stage Name"

Begin labeling the stages of your leads' journey by clicking on the stage name field. Start with "New Lead" as a sample entry point.

Input 'Stage Name'

7. Click here to add more stages

Click here to add more stages

8. Input "Stage name"

Continue with this process until you have added all of the necessary stages.

Input 'Stage name'

9. When your done don't forget to Click "Save"

After finalizing the pipeline name and organizing the stages to your satisfaction, click "Save." Well done! Your tailored sales pipeline is now established and primed to steer your opportunities towards successful conclusions.

When your done don't forget to Click 'Save'

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