WordPress Error Codes and FAQ

Our WordPress Hosting system features distinctive error codes exclusive to our platform, necessitating specialized troubleshooting procedures for resolution."

What is the significance of and how to troubleshoot each of these errors?

1. File Corruption:

This error may occur due to file corruption in either your current WordPress installation or the source installation from which you obtained the file for import. To resolve this, delete the corrupted file and attempt the import once more.

2. Plugin Issue:

You might encounter an error message like: "Plugin named 'yith-topbar-countdown' is corrupted."

This error can originate from either your current WordPress installation or the source WordPress installation where the file was created. In order to address this issue, delete the problematic plugin and retry the import process.

3. Unknown Error (where both the Plugin and File may be corrupted):

Initially, the system will detect a plugin issue and display a corresponding error on the user interface.

For instance, it might report that the plugin 'yith-topbar-countdown' is corrupted. If the plugin is deleted and the file is still found to be corrupted, the error message will change to the previously discussed file corruption error. In this case, you can proceed by deleting the corrupted file and attempting the import once more."

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