Understanding Google Ad Reporting Terminology

This article will guide you to understand the meaning of each google ads reporting terminology

Google Ad Reporting offers real-time reporting and analysis for your clients' digital ad campaigns. With Google Ad Reporting, you can easily gain a comprehensive understanding of your clients' ad performance and maximize their return on investment (ROI). It provides a detailed overview of campaign analytics, making it effortless to track and optimize their advertising efforts.

  1. Impressions
    Impressions represent the number of times your ad is displayed on a search results page or any other website within the Google network.

  2. Clicks
    When a user interacts with your ad by clicking on the blue headline or phone number of a text ad, it is counted as a click in Google Ads.

  3. Conversions
    Conversions occur when a user completes a valuable action on your website that you have defined. This can include actions like visiting a specific webpage, downloading an eBook, signing up for a newsletter, or any other desired action. The goal of conversions is to turn visitors into customers.

  4. Client Spend
    Client spend refers to the cost of running the ad along with any management fees associated with it. Please note that this information is only visible to Agency Admin and Agency Users.

  5. Average CPC (Cost per Click)
    Average CPC represents the average amount that a publisher pays for each click on their ad. Higher CPC values indicate a higher cost for ad placement. The cost of placing an advertisement can vary based on factors such as the advertiser's budget, number of impressions, location and time of day, and the type of content.

  6. Cost Per Conversion (CPA)
    CPA is a metric that calculates the average cost of acquiring one new customer. It is calculated by dividing the total cost of ads by the total number of conversions. CPA is also known as Cost per Acquisition.

  7. Conversion Rate
    Conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of ad interactions that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period. For example, if you had 50 conversions from 1,000 interactions, the conversion rate would be 5%.

  8. Revenue
    Revenue is the monetary value assigned to an opportunity marked as won. It represents the sum of all opportunities that have been marked as won for a specific Google ad campaign.

  9. ROI
    ROI (Return On Investment) measures the ratio between the costs incurred during an advertising campaign and the revenues generated from that campaign. It can be applied to individual ads or the entire page.

  10. Sales
    Sales refer to the leads or opportunities that have been marked as won.

  11. CPS (Cost per Sale)
    CPS is calculated by dividing the cost of running a specific campaign by the number of opportunities marked as won.

  12. Leads
    Leads represent the opportunities that are recorded as open through form submissions, responses via chat widgets, or phone calls.

  13. CPL (Cost per Lead)
    CPL is calculated by dividing the cost of running a specific campaign by the number of opportunities in the open stage.

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