How to use Survey Submissions

Learn how to effectively use the Survey Submissions

The Submissions section within your CRM's Surveys feature provides a convenient way to store and organize all the responses received. Take advantage of this powerful tool to analyze data, generate reports, and manage online polls effectively.

Please note that your access to certain components may be limited based on your user permissions.

1. Click "Marketing"

Click 'Marketing'

2. Click "surveys"

Click 'surveys'

3. Click "Surveys"

Click 'Surveys'

4. Click "Submissions"

Click 'Submissions'

5. Click here to customize "Date Range"

To view survey submissions from a specific time frame, simply click on the date bar located at the top right corner of the page. Here, you will find various options to choose from or select a custom date range. Once you've made your selection, click the checkmark button to refresh the survey submission list.

Click here to customize 'Date Range'

6. Click here to "Refresh Submission Data"

You can update the data at any time by clicking on the refresh button next to the date range selector. This ensures that you have the most recent and accurate information related to your surveys.

Click here to 'Refresh Submission Data'

7. Click here to "Select Survey"

If you have multiple surveys in your CRM and want to view submissions for a particular survey, click on the "All Survey" dropdown and choose the desired survey. The submission list will then refresh to display submissions from the selected survey.

Click here to 'Select Survey'

8. Search Bar

To quickly locate a specific survey submission, use the search bar. Simply type in the customer's name, phone number, or email address, and the relevant submission will be displayed.

Search Bar

9. Submission Data

Submission Data

10. Date Submitted

The date and time when the survey was submitted will be shown at the top right corner.

Date Submitted

11. Survey Submission List

This section displays all submissions for the chosen survey (or all if no survey is selected)

Survey Submission List

12. Total Survey Submissions

The total number of survey submissions for the selected survey (or all if no survey is selected) is shown here

Total Survey Submissions

13. List Results Per Page

You can customize the number of submissions displayed per page by selecting your preferred option from the dropdown menu.

List Results Per Page

14. Individual Survey Submission

Each survey submission is listed with basic information such as name, email, and the date submitted. You can select individual or multiple submissions by clicking the checkboxes on the left side of each entry.

Individual Survey Submission

15. Click here to "Download Individual Submission"

If you wish to download an individual survey submission, simply click on the download icon

Click here to 'Download Individual Submission'

16. Click here to "Delete Selected Submissions"

You have the option to delete selected survey submissions. Please note that once deleted, the data cannot be recovered.

Click here to 'Delete Selected Submissions'
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