Guide to Connecting Google Email Services to Surplus Systems CRM

Seamlessly integrate Google Email Services with Surplus Systems CRM to streamline your email communications. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions for connecting your Google email account, ensuring enhanced email deliverability, easier management, and improved synchronization within your CRM

This article will guide you through a detailed procedure to configure a Gmail account, enabling the management of your email inbox within your CRM.

1. Initiate by clicking on the settings icon.

1 Click on the element.

2. Then, select the 'Email Services' option.

2 Following that, click on "Email Services".

3. Now, click on 'Add Service' to proceed.

3 Click on "Add Service".

4. Afterwards, access the service options.

4 After, click on the element.

5. Proceed by choosing 'Gmail' from the options.

5 Afterwards, click on "Gmail".

6. Then, enter the email and password details in the provided field.

6 Then, click on the element.

7. Hit Save and then follow the process after this one in the document to proceed with Google Account configuration.

7 Now, click on the element.

To establish a connection between your Gmail account and your CRM system, you'll initially need to create an "App Password" from your Google account. This can be done by navigating to the Google account associated with the Gmail email you wish to link with your CRM. Subsequently, you can adhere to the following steps provided below:

Connecting your Gmail

In order to integrate your Gmail account with your CRM, the initial step involves generating an "App Password" via your Google account. This necessitates accessing the Google account associated with the Gmail address you're attempting to connect to your CRM. Upon reaching your Google account, you can proceed by following the steps illustrated below:

6. Click 9 dots to access account

Clikck 9 dots to access account

Click "Account"


Security Settings

7. Click "Security"

After clicking on "Account", head over to the Security Section of your Google account. From there, proceed to the "Signing in to Google" section and enable the 2-step verification. Next, click on the "Get started" button to progress to the subsequent stage.


Click on 2-Step Verification arrow

Click on 2-Step Verification arrow

Click "Get started"


Sign In Google Account

8. Input Password to sign in Google Account

Up next, input your Gmail password and click on "Next" to continue with the process.

Input Password to sign in Google Account

Add a Second Step to Sign in

9. Click "Continue"

As a second verification step, add a device and then click on the "Continue" button. This selected device will receive notifications to approve new device logins and subsequent log sessions.


Add a Backup Phone Number

10. Click Send to get Google code

Include a phone number for backup purposes and then select the send option for Google to dispatch a verification code to this backup phone number.

Click Send to get Google code

Verifying the Login

11. Enter code and click "Next"

Key in the code you've received via text message. Once that's complete, select the next option.

Enter code and click

Enabling "Two-Step Verification"

12. Click "Turn on" to activate 2-Step Verification

To activate the two-step verification, click on the "Turn On" option. Enabling this feature is necessary for using Gmail on third-party applications


Setting Up App Password

13. Click App Password

Now, navigate back to the Security section of your Google account and scroll down to the 2-step verification. Beneath it, you'll discover a tab named "App Passwords". Click on this tab to establish the app password.

Click App Password

Selecting App

14. Select "Other (custom name)

From the dropdown menu, choose the "other" option. This will allow you to assign a specific name to your CRM account for easier recognition.


Setting Account Name

15. Click "Generate" after setting account name

After assigning a name, click on the "generate" option. This will prompt the system to create a unique password used to forge a connection between Gmail and your CRM.


Copying App Password

16. Copy app password

Copy the generated unique password and click on "Done". Ensure to save this password safely as you may require it in the future.

Copy app password

Paste the Password

17. Paste copied password then click Save

Now, return to the email service section of your CRM and paste the password you copied from the Google account. After doing so, click on the "Save" button.


Gmail Account is Setup

18. Done setting out Gmail Account

Upon successfully establishing a connection between your Gmail account and your CRM, your screen should display as follows.

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