How create a membership course offer

This guide will show you how to create a membership course offer.

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the Marketing section of the application.


2. Click "Memberships"


3. Click "Offers"


4. Edit Membership offers

Within this segment, you possess the ability to craft or modify a cost proposal for a course product. To incorporate a monetary value to any course product, an association with a payment processor such as Stripe must be established. The connection to a payment processor is necessary to obtain payments from your clients, without which a price cannot be added (resulting in your product being designated as a Free offer).

Edit Membership offers

5. Unit Sold

Within 30 days, the complete count of products sold by you will be displayed.

Unit Sold

6. Revenue This Month

This month's revenue will display the total earnings for each 30-day period.

Revenue This Month

7. All Time Revenue

The all-time revenue will show the total earnings for all products, including old and new.

All Time Revenue

8. Filter "Publish or Draft"

To sort through all the product listings, toggle between the Published and Draft lists. The following displays the contents of the product list.


9. Title

This column displays the title of each course product.


10. Products

The number of products created per course is shown in this column.


11. Price

The cost of each course product is displayed here.


12. Net Revenue

This column shows the net revenue of each product.

Net Revenue

13. Actions

If you need to modify your checkout option, select "checkout" from the drop-down menu under "more actions". This will take you to the checkout page.


14. Preview

By clicking on the "eye" icon, you can preview a particular product course.


15. Edit

To make changes to a course product, simply click on the "edit" icon.


16. More Action - Checkout

If you need to modify your checkout option, select "checkout" from the drop-down menu under "more actions". This will take you to the checkout page.


17. Create Offer

Creating a new offer is as easy as clicking the "Create Offer" button.

Create Offer

18. Title

Clicking on the "Create Offer" button leads you to a page where you can;


19. Select Product

Choose the course item for which you would like to make an offer

Select Product

20. Add price

If you're not linked with a payment processor such as Stripe, adding a price offer won't be possible, but you can include a price that can be altered later.

Add price

21. Details

After completing the "New Offer" page, you will be guided to this section where you can modify the overall information of the product that you are currently crafting.


This field allows you to name your product, with the option to edit it later.


22. Nickname

Here, you can give your product a personal nickname that only you will see.


23. Description

Provide a brief description of your product to give customers an idea of what's included.


24. Advanced

Access advanced settings by clicking this button.


25. Included Products

Add any other products you've created to this offer by clicking the "+Add Product" icon.

Included Products

26. Publish/Draft Mode

Toggle between draft mode and publish mode with this button.

Publish/Draft Mode

27. Edit Price

Adjust pricing options by clicking on the "Edit Price" button. You can choose a Free plan, a one-time payment plan, or a Recurring subscription, provided that you've connected to a payment processor such as "Stripe".

Edit Price

28. Add image

Upload a product image with dimensions of 1280x720 by clicking "Select Image". If needed, remove an uploaded image by clicking "remove".

Add image

29. Click "Edit Checkout"

Edit checkout preferences by clicking the "Edit Checkout" button to make changes to the "Offer details", request for additional contact information, and include a "Service Agreement".


30. Click "Add an upsell"

One-click deals can help you earn extra income through upsells immediately following the initial purchase. This allows you to offer an optional product or service that customers can add to their cart during checkout. Once the first offer is bought, the upsell checkout page will appear, and you can click "Add an Upsell" if you wish to add one.


31. Click here to "Get Link"

By clicking on the "Get Link" icon and then selecting the "Copy" button, you can easily obtain and share the URL link for a course product.

Click here to

32. Click "Preview"

To preview the course you're developing, click on the "Preview" icon and you'll be taken to the preview page.


The course product offer's preview page has this appearance.

Switch to

33. Click "Delete"

To remove a course product offer, just open the "More Action" menu and select the delete option.

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