How to use rows with the funnel builder

This article will provides instructions on how to use Funnel builder - Rows

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the Marketing section


2. Click "funnels"

Access the funnels section


3. Click here to "Add Row"

Click here to

4. You can also, Click here to "add row"

Click here to

5. Select "Rows"


6. Click "Blue border" to access row settings

7. Select "Align"

In case your row width is less than 100%, you have the option to adjust the row position to either Left, Right or Center.


8. Select "Box Shadow"

This is the area where you can adjust the shadow of the box


9. Add "BG image"

10. Customize "Width"

This is the area where you can adjust the size of the row to be between 30% to 100%. Choosing 100% will allow the row to occupy the entire width of the section.

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