How to Connect TikTok in Social Planner

This will guide you on how to connect your TikTok account in Social Planner

Social Planner allows users to connect TikTok accounts. Right now, we provide a connection to a personal TikTok account. TikTok business account is in Roadmap.

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "social media posting"


3. Click Here

When you visit Social Planner, you will either see a wizard with a "connect" option, or you can access the "Settings" option (identified by a gear icon) from the overview page.

Click Here

4. Click "Connect a new Tiktok Profile"


5. Select "Tiktok account type"

After selecting "Add Account", you will be presented with the option to add a TikTok Personal Account (please note that adding a TikTok Business Account is currently on our roadmap).


6. You will be prompted to select your Gmail account and provide permissions for Social Planner to use it.

7. Next, you will need to choose the TikTok account that you want to link to Social Planner.

8. You can manage your linked accounts by accessing the "Settings" icon.

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