How to Bulk Schedule Posts on the Social Planner

This guide will show you how to bulk schedule posts on Social Planner.

1. Click "Marketing"

2. Click "social media posting"

3. Click "Upload from CSV"

4. Click "Upload a file"

Make sure that the CSV file follows the required format and includes all the necessary details for each post.

5. Click "Next"

Proceed to the next step.

6. Select "social account"

Select Social Media Platforms Available for Bulk Scheduling

7. Select an "approver"

8. Click "Review & Schedule"

CSV Status Check In Progress: The CSV file is currently being processed for its content, links, images, and videos. In Review and Schedule: Once complete, the user can review the details and make necessary changes to posts with errors or m

9. Click "Import Post(s)"

Once you have resolved the errors or removed the posts with errors in them, you can Import Posts to the Social Planner:

10. via Post Composer or CSV upload

It will show you in the Social Planner dashboard which posts came in via CSV upload and which ones came in via the Post Composer

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