How to Create Group Hashtags within the Social Planner

A hashtag is a combination of letters, numbers, or emoji preceded by the # symbol (e.g., #NoFilter). They are used to categorize content and make it more searchable. It is the best way to expand your audience and get more reach.

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the Marketing section


2. Click "social media posting"

Select social media posting


3. Click "New Post"


4. Click "Create New Post"


5. Select "Account" from the list

Select "Account" on where to post it


6. Select "#"


7. Add text

To create a new hashtag set, click on the '#' icon and a pop-up will appear prompting you to provide the necessary information. You'll need to give your set a Name and select the hashtags you want associated with it. You can choose to add as many as 30 hashtags to each post.

Add text

8. Click "Save and Apply"

Once you've selected your hashtags, click on 'Save and Apply' to save the grouping. In future posts, you can simply select the desired saved hashtag set to be added to your social media post.


1. Click "Marketing"

2. Click "social media posting"

3. Click "New Post"

4. Click "Create New Post"

5. Select "Account" from the list

Select "Account" on where to post it

6. Select "#"

7. Add text

To create a new hashtag set, click on the '#' icon and a pop-up will appear prompting you to provide the necessary information. You'll need to give your set a Name and select the hashtags you want associated with it. You can choose to add as many as 30 hashtags to each post.

8. Click "Save and Apply"

Once you've selected your hashtags, click on 'Save and Apply' to save the grouping. In future posts, you can simply select the desired saved hashtag set to be added to your social media post.

1. Click "Marketing"

2. Click "social media posting"

3. Click "New Post"

4. Click "Create New Post"

5. Select "Account" from the list

Select "Account" on where to post it

6. Select "#"

7. Add text

To create a new hashtag set, click on the '#' icon and a pop-up will appear prompting you to provide the necessary information. You'll need to give your set a Name and select the hashtags you want associated with it. You can choose to add as many as 30 hashtags to each post.

8. Click "Save and Apply"

Once you've selected your hashtags, click on 'Save and Apply' to save the grouping. In future posts, you can simply select the desired saved hashtag set to be added to your social media post.

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